Library Media Specialist Evaluation Training

In response to feedback from evaluators, we’re excited to announce the launch of the Library Media Specialist (LMS) Rubric training on the TeachALL platform. This training enhances evaluator capabilities in library and media settings, supporting educator effectiveness.

This training will prepare evaluators to

  • tailor their support for educators providing library services,
  • provide consistent high-quality feedback for educator planning and delivery,
  • guide growth through evidence collection that aligns with TEAM best practices, and
  • empower educators and foster excellence in student support.

 In the spirit of continuous improvement and dedication to student success, we invite evaluators to explore the Library Media Specialist Rubric training on the TeachALL platform. 4 TASL credit hours are awarded at the completion of the course.  To enroll in this course, please follow this link. Guidance on how to access the Teach ALL platform can be found this link.