Portfolio Peer Review



 TEAM student growth portfolios are designed in response to requests by teachers in non-tested grades and subjects for a measure of student growth, comparable to that of TVAAS for use in their evaluations. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers’ level of overall effectiveness scores within the Tennessee Department of Education’s TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that would be generated by teachers in tested courses.After the submission deadline for portfolio collections in the Spring of a given school year, collections are scored by certified peer reviewers who determine the performance level of each student work artifact using the same scoring rubric at points A and B. Collections are made available to peer reviewers in the e-portfolio platform, TNPortfolio. The number of peer reviewers needed is based on the number of collections submitted from districts/charters across the state. Peer reviewers are paid per collection scored.

Peer Reviewer Candidates

Candidates must:

    • Have demonstrated content area, grade level, instructional experience and effectiveness.
    • Be detail-oriented and demonstrate a rich understanding of standards
    • Be familiar with scoring student work
    • Be comfortable using and have access to technology
    • Be able to articulate confidence in the portfolio model to demonstrate student growth
    • Be available to conduct peer reviews throughout the scoring window
    • Commit to confidentiality

Preferred: Active user in the portfolio platform

How to Apply

Solicitation and Application (accepting applications now)
Peer Reviewer applications will be posted on the TEAM-tn.org Home page under Recently Released.


 After the completion deadline, collections are scored by certified peer reviewers who determine the performance level of each student work artifact using the same scoring rubric at points A and B. If a discrepancy of more than one performance level exists between the teacher’s score and peer reviewer score for the average of a collection, a second peer reviewer scores the collection. If the second peer reviewer’s score is in consensus with either the teacher or the peer reviewer, the score in consensus stands. If there is no consensus of scores between the teacher, the first peer reviewer, or the second peer reviewer, then an expert reviewer conducts the final scoring.Portfolio scoring 3

Peer Reviewer Survey Analysis

After the portfolio collection scoring is completed, peer reviewers provide the department with feedback on the process. This feedback is valuable for continuous improvement of the portfolio process. Use this link to access the complete Feedback results document.peer review survey graphic 1Peer Review survey graphic 2