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Description |
TEAM student growth portfolios were designed in response to requests from teachers in non-tested grades and subjects for a measure of student growth for use in their evaluations, comparable to that of TVAAS. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers’ LOE within the state’s TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that teachers in tested courses generate.
In February 2018, the state legislature amended T.C.A. § 49-1-302 to ensure that every district and charter organization utilizes at least one approved growth measure for non-tested teachers. Additionally, pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-6-105, state board policy 5.201, and state board rule 0520-02-01, districts and charters that receive pre-kindergarten program approval under T.C.A. §§ 49-6-103 – 49-6-110 (VPK funding) must utilize the pre-K/kindergarten growth portfolio model or a comparable approved alternative growth measure (AGM) for the student growth portion of teacher evaluation. Participation in any additional student growth portfolio models is an evaluation flexibility option. Educators who utilize a portfolio growth model maintain all the rights, responsibilities, and legalities of educators with growth measures attained from a TCAP test. Portfolio growth model scores are treated the same as TCAP test scores within the evaluation process and with human capital decisions. It is recommended that educators implement student growth portfolios within a professional learning community (PLC) or other collaborative group that focuses on long-term and short-term planning, ongoing formative assessment, standards-based instruction, differentiated and targeted instructional practices, and student work. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instruction can have a profound impact on student academic growth. |
Models |
Tennessee currently uses the following portfolio growth models:
Resources |