Portfolio Resources


  • Samples uploaded to TNPortfolio between January 30th, 2025, 2:30 PM CT and February 5th, 2025, did not upload to the platform correctly. The issue in the platform has been resolved. Please remove any samples from this time window and re-upload them to ensure accuracy. Check preview to ensure you can view your samples. If they do not appear in preview, please reach out to Portfolio.questions@tn.gov. 
  • docx files are not uploading to TNPortfolio correctly. If you have uploaded a docx document at any time, please save it as a pdf instead and replace the docx document on the TNPortfolio platform.



TEAM student growth portfolios were designed in response to requests from teachers in non-tested grades and subjects for a measure of student growth for use in their evaluations, comparable to that of TVAAS. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers’ LOE within the state’s TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that teachers in tested courses generate.

In February 2018, the state legislature amended T.C.A. § 49-1-302 to ensure that every district and charter organization utilizes at least one approved growth measure for non-tested teachers. Additionally, pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-6-105, state board policy 5.201, and state board rule 0520-02-01, districts and charters that receive pre-kindergarten program approval under T.C.A. §§ 49-6-103 – 49-6-110 (VPK funding) must utilize the pre-K/kindergarten growth portfolio model or a comparable approved alternative growth measure (AGM) for the student growth portion of teacher evaluation.

Participation in any additional student growth portfolio models is an evaluation flexibility option. Educators who utilize a portfolio growth model maintain all the rights, responsibilities, and legalities of educators with growth measures attained from a TCAP test. Portfolio growth model scores are treated the same as TCAP test scores within the evaluation process and with human capital decisions.

It is recommended that educators implement student growth portfolios within a professional learning community (PLC) or other collaborative group that focuses on long-term and short-term planning, ongoing formative assessment, standards-based instruction, differentiated and targeted instructional practices, and student work. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instruction can have a profound impact on student academic growth.


Tennessee currently uses the following portfolio growth models:



  • TEAM Portfolio Guidebook for Administrators and Teachers: Updated July 2024 This document provides general information about TEAM student growth portfolios. The intended audience for this document includes teachers, principals, district personnel, and any other individuals seeking more information regarding TEAM portfolios. It is critical that all educators who submit a portfolio read and utilize this document, their content specific resource guide, and content-specific scoring rubrics.
  • Portfolio Lead Monthly Office Hour: To support district and charter portfolio leads, the department will host monthly office hours to walk you through implementation processes, resources, the platform and provide you with a network of other portfolio leads.
  • Portfolio Rostering Guidance for LeadsUpdated September 2024 Before teachers receive access to TNPortfolio, the TEAM portfolio management platform, staff roster information must be provided to the department. This guidance provides instructions on how to create, edit, and submit a roster. Once the roster information has been quality checked and uploaded to the platform, teachers will receive the activation email needed to access their platform account. If you have questions about who should be rostered, please refer to this quick guide.
  • Portfolio Teacher Roster Verification Guidance for Leads: Updated December 2024. Portfolio leads must maintain an accurate teacher roster in the portfolio platform, including adding or removing teachers. Portfolio teacher roster verification ensures the correct teachers have TNPortfolio access to upload and self-score their student artifacts. This process requires portfolio leads to review the teacher roster in the TNPortfolio platform for accuracy, ensuring the district’s selected non-tested teachers receive an individual growth score.
  • Student Growth Portfolio Lead Best Practices: This document is intended to support portfolio implementation by providing an exchange of ideas and highlighting best practices.
  • Student Growth Score Grievance Resolution Protocol: This document outlines the process required to address a grievance decision by an LEA necessitating a change to an educator’s growth score and therefore a change to the educator’s level of overall effectiveness (LOE).
  • Teacher FAQ: Updated October 2024 The department has collected questions from implementing teachers and peer reviewers across the state to provide support and clarity to portfolio implementation.