Observation Norming Session: Calibrating Observation Scores and Feedback

Based on feedback from both the Tennessee Educator Survey and the TEAM Observer Training Survey, principals continue to seek additional opportunities to deepen their understanding of the TEAM rubric and to improve their instructional feedback for teachers. The Observation Norming Session: Calibrating Observation Scores and Feedback professional learning session has been developed to address both requests.

This module, designed to be delivered at the district level or by lead principals, guides observers to a greater understanding of the TEAM General Educator rubric, increases alignment of observation evidence to the rubric, enhances calibration of scores across the observation team, and, most importantly, helps observers hone their skills around supporting teacher practice and student outcomes.

In this turnkey professional learning package, you will find a facilitator preparation guide that supports a seamless content delivery for any facilitator containing:

  • A facilitator materials file that includes
  • the session slide deck with presenter notes and delivery script
  • detailed instructions for the calibration activity
  • videos links and associated scoring notes for use in the calibration activity
  • a communications file that includes
  • email templates you may use when communicating with participants
  • a participant feedback survey (paper and digital)
  • a participant materials file with all required participant documents labeled in order of use
  • a facilitator guide with instructions for creating a district-specific version of all materials

We encourage you to use this with your observers and to apply for TASL credit for your session.

With questions about or support for delivering this content, please feel free to reach out to TEAM.Questions@tn.gov. 

Facilitator Materials 
Participant Materials